A closer look at the pornography of existence

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Harlan Sanders' Trash Connections

In the early 70's, Harlan Sanders developped an obsession. He wanted to act so bad that he even approached renowned tâcheron Al Adamson, director of hits such as BRAIN OF BLOOD or DRACULA VS FRANKENSTEIN (not to be confused with Italian Hugo Fregonese's one).

Al Adamson offered him some roles in his productions, and in exchange, his technical team would eat KFC every day during shooting periods.

His team got so fed up with this greasy junk that they protested they'd eat anything instead, so one morning Adamson showed on the set with his car trunk full of baloney sandwiches.

He also later died, his head crushed by one of his former lovers in Florida.

One of my fuckfriends sings like a bird, gives a mean blowjob, licks ass and also owns a FLP (Front de Libération du Poulet) cardigan. Impressive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try her with baloney! Finger licking good!

2:43 PM

Blogger Clifford Brown said...

I can always try, but will she be the bread or the mustard ? Question mark, get set, go !

8:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mustard!? ouch! what goes on down there?

9:20 AM


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