A closer look at the pornography of existence

Friday, September 23, 2005

Stayin' alive or stayin' home ?

I'd say that in order to stay alive, I'd have to achieve both, tonight.

Just got back from the office where I had the longest day in my life. I won't tell you what's happening to me, professionally, these days, but let's just say that I have LOTS OF WORK.

And this morning, my course at UQÀM was all about calcul différentiel, which sucks ass, as everybody knows (even Leonard Cohen), so I wasn't really in the mood for love. So here I am at home, not wanting to go out. Even if I wanted to do something, I'd have to go alone, because nobody called me and even the calls I made as a pathetic attempt for company were not returned so far.

I think I'll watch Sam Karmann's "À la Petite Semaine", a movie I rented yesterday... it doesn't look so great but what the fuck, it's better than a kick in the nuts. Or so I think.


Yeah, I went to fill up my dream car. I heard that Rita was going to fuck things up pretty hard down there in Texas, and the gaz prices will hike up their slut skirts once again. The problem with my V8 is that you just love to accelerate randomly, with no real reason, and hear the engine roar. It became a luxury these days, and that's why I'm not going anywhere.

Saphir is on my mind for tomorrow. Plastic Patrick invited me personally at the end of the last Neon party @ Dôme, and I don't think that Choco-Électro shit at SAT will be very interesting, if Soundshaper does his set as planned.

Badness will prevail. And I want to see rock chicks in action !

Seeing how lucky I've been lately, I'll probably end up coming home and making love to... my hand !


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