A closer look at the pornography of existence

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Wearing a Cap

You know, you can't just hide your love forever. You have to let it out some day. Peace & love, brothers & sisters !


For the last few weeks I've been wearing a cap. Yeah, a trucker hat, basecall cap, call it whatever the fuck you like. It's pink. Gay pink, actually. I like it a lot. Thing is, I've never thought I'd wear that. Ever. Just happened one day. Fell from the sky.

I used to wear this worn out, dark blue cap, can't remember where I found it in the first place, in the small town I was living in back in the days. I wore it because my long hair had been cut, it was growing back, but it felt embarassing to expose them at the level of growth they were at. It was a period - end of my high school years - where things went pretty dark in my life. I had no real friends, didn't meet any girls, I was "special" - a bit punkish in a shit hole of a town - and depressed.

I had found, with a friend, a guy who was getting rid of his caps collection. What kind of fuckin' weirdo would collect caps !? This guy did, anyway, and he gave us a whole "sac vert" full of 'em. There were some ugly ones, of course, but there were some real gems. An "O'Keefe" one, an "Old El Paso" one, and one that read : "J'ai d'la classe". Fun hats for everybody.

Don't ask me where they all went because today, after several déménagements, I lost all of 'em.

So anyway, I wore this dark blue cap like a burden, like a weight on my head, a weight that made me go bald faster, and made me look like an idiot because a punk with a hap, no matter what he says or thinks, will always look like an idiot.

Which brings me to this : you have to be stylish to wear a cap and not look like an idiot, a retard or a jock (which is a combination of both).

My friend LetNoManJock wears it to blend into the "jock" mould and hopefully screw a few straight boy's asses along the way. But there can be other reasons : ashamed of balding, too lazy to comb his hair, generally shy and hiding under the palette...

I think it's a cycle. Caps are stylish now; hip hop chicks wear them, guys were them, electro hags wear them on the side... The cycle will accomplish what all cycles do : circle 'round. They'll be out of fashion soon - but when ?

Something is fucking scary. A South Shore jock from my department, at UQAM, who either wore a cap of the ritual "450 toupet" last year, arrived at school sporting a mohawk this year. Not just a gelled mohawk : a real one. He still has hair on the side, but it's definitly a mohawk. I'll be fuckin' damned.

So I can confess why I wear my cap, after dissin' so many people in just one rant. Yeah, I'm lazy, and my the paste I usually wear in my hair has been discontinued by its makers. Sucks. I am also a bit ashamed of balding - actually not ashamed, not even embarassed, but conscious that some chicks don't like it. So I put all the chances on my side : for bald lovers, I take it off. I also look WAY younger with this shit on. I look like a p'tit christ, to be honest.

Which is kinda cool, yo !


Blogger Expat said...

Actualy, i don't think you look like a p'tit christ or very much younger with your pink hat.

Your hat looks hot on you because, being gay pink, it clashes with the rest of your tatoué look.

8:49 AM

Blogger Clifford Brown said...

"Gay pink" !? If you say so, Mr. Finances. However, I would add that I will not trade this hat for a Ferrari.

5:53 PM

Blogger Expat said...

I'm not saying, i'm just quoting read your own post...hehe! but i agree with you this hat is priceless. The best golf cap ever!

8:27 AM


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