A closer look at the pornography of existence

Monday, April 10, 2006

No Transition

There you are. We have more and more kids, these days, staying at their mom's for eternity. I recently heard a collegue say : "I'm not moving from my mom's as long as I don't have a house bought".

Of course, some demographics will tell you that this practice is more current in some cultures, where family is a deeply rooted value. But it doesn't change the fact that more and more "Tanguy" are out there. Having their clothes washed and their asses wiped by their genitors. They're so used at being serviced food and having their bed sheets taken care of that I'm worried about their future.

Sure, it's better for your mental and economical health to immediately own a property to live in, instead of wasting half your life paying for something you rent, but there is a transition to be made.

Is somebody that never lived alone, never cooked a meal, and never knew what it is to come back in an empty house after a working day set to find immediate balance when he / she reaches adulthood and moves on his / her own ? A condo or house has stuff that needs to be done to maintain them. Is a spoiled kid fit to do that ?

We'll find out very soon in the next episode of "The Future of Teen Housing".


I sometimes feel like I am the world's receptacle of cretinism.

Today would be the perfect day to take it easy on a terrasse and write. Watch the cars go by. Blankly stare at people walking the streets. Reconsider the natural order of things. Shape the future of design and electro-house. But alas, I am stuck in what ressembles a dentist chair, without the beneficial view of an assistante dentaire dressed in shiny white.

My own personal hell / dentist chair is my cubicle. Where I get to hear the most annoying voices in the world, and listen to the most perfect example of repeat moronism at an approximate rate of twice per five minutes. Angry people, idiots, retards, elderlies, it would seem that the worst that humanity has to offer is a credit card holder.

Some of the callers are lonely, and would like to talk a bit longer, and tell me stories about themselves. The thing is that most of the time, we're understaffed, so if anybody surpasses the average call time, we're screwed. A queue is formed and unanswered calls are accumulating. Managers start running around, with panic in their eyes. We're not lacking managers, tho. We have tons of them. Almost more managers than "regular" employees, in fact. But whenever someone wants to speak with one, it's as if they smelled it : they all disappear. They have lunches all at the same time, or special secret meetings meaning that really, nobody knows where the fuck they are.

I know it's not healthy writing about my office life like that, for so long, but I can't help it. I'm trying to quit.


Who knows where A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE wants to lead us ? Cronenberg's most "commercial" film to this day - he admits it himself - was a nice discovery, yesterday, after a hard Sunday of slackin'. I did not do much - went to take a walk in Centre-Sud, so see a rather passive drunk rocker lie on his couch - and just wanted to spend some time with Miss Bijoux. We started by trying to watch a french dub of Paul Morrissey's MIXED BLOOD, which proved tedious, so I got the VHS out of the VCR and decided it was time to watch Viggo Mortensen go wild.

I had seen the trailer, so I was wondering when all hell would break lose. I did not expect, however, things to go this far. Cronenberg makes us violence's accomplices, to such extent that we CRAVE for the bad guys to die in a violent, horrible manner. And violence there is. The mad torontonian's legendary prosthetics are here, in all their gory glory. The special effects are nauseating.

Mortensen does a good job and he truly is a scary fuck. His wife, Maria Bello, is a gorgeous blonde with a well maintained body, and some nice dramatic aptitudes. And as much as I'd like to trash Howard Shore and the usual ineptitude of orchestral "scores", I have to admit that the one he did for this flick is subtle and effective, without being too rigid. Nice job !


Blogger Patrick said...

MIXED BLOOD = Ouch ! You'll understand why I scrapped that movie long ago....

I appreciated HISTORY also, quite different from the graphic novel too, but still very interesting.

10:32 PM

Blogger benjamAnt said...

J'acquiesce dans le même sens que vous, Messieurs Brown et buko-san,... Je ne m'attendais pas à grand chose, et voilà que je me fais agresser par une violence inouïe (insoutenable balle dans la joue dans le café; maquillage hallucinant), deux scènes de fesse assez culottées, et une finale sous forme de carnage jouissif, digne d'un « Running Scared », ma deuxième claque en terme de violence cette année. La comparaison s'arrête toutefois là, on parle quand même de Cronenberg versus un jeune réal débutant. Mais bon, suggestion tout de même, et passez outre le fait que Paul "Fast and Foireux" Walker en soit la vedette, et laissez-vous aller dans une violence crasse. Allez, bon printemps, cinéphiles/phores/phages! Bien à vous Mister Brown.

1:15 PM

Blogger Clifford Brown said...

Running Scared, j'en prends bonne note, mon vieux ! Mes choix de visionnements sont souvent aléatoires, et je ne me plie malheureusement pas à la tâche consistant à visionner les VHS dont je veux me débarasser. J'accumule ces bestioles depuis des années et je me suis attaché, on dirait - je ne me résous pas à les lancer à bout de bras sans les voir !! Maladie mentale ?

4:56 PM

Blogger Patrick said...

Eh ben, c'est la deuxième fois cette semaine que je me fais recommandé RUNNING SCARED.... La bande-annonce retire l'envie de le voir, mais sans doute que je vais me laisser tenter un de ces jours.

J'avais pas détesté THE COOLER non plus, mais Maria Bello y était pour beaucoup.

8:19 PM


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