Ordinary Gossip
The Mirror's offices are located at 465 McGill, on the third floor. Which is, if you think about it more than a second, fuckin' far.
I don't know if the rent is cheaper because it's in the middle of nowhere (even if you get out at Square-Victoria, you still have a never-ending corridor to go through before you get out in the open & walk some more) or if the rent is higher because it's a "chic" business neighborhood. Whatever the case, folks, it would be really nice if we could reasonably WALK to your offices when we're downtown, without wasting our whole fuckin' lunch hour to do it.
The reason I went there is that I won tickets to see DAVE CHAPPELLE'S BLOCK PARTY. While this is not the kind of movie I would go see, and AMC Forum is definitly not a place I'd go, period, I usually do not spit on a free movie here and there. And I'm kinda lucky these days, so I guess I might as well use that chance to good effect.
I know nothing about Chappelle, being neither a fan of stand-up comedy or simply TV. I don't even know if this is the same guy that shot the movie RISE, or if there is an entirely different Dave Chappelle shooting music videos. Or if I'm quite simply put "retarded" and mixing up names right now, making an ass outta myself - something I'm no stranger to.
Anyway, the movie is shot by Michel Gondry, and has a mixed review in today's ICI, and a raving review in today's MIRROR. Who can I believe ? Myself. I'm taking Miss Bijoux there and I hope we'll have a good time. I will also be sipping on some Rev through a straw because I need to get myself drunk before we head over for the S.A.T. where Robeat will mix session our asses !
I'll be throwing out some furniture tomorrow morning. If you're interested, you know what to do. Here's a fast list of what's going to some waste dump fuck knows where :
-A greenish sofa straight outta the 60's. My parents received it as a gift sometime in the 70's. It has become a party fixture, was really popular at some point in my life, and the theater of some memorable romps.

-A small white table ? I don't know how to describe this. It was in my appartment when I moved in. I'm soooo glad I finally decided to let it go for a few "cennes noires".
-A big micro-wave stand in white mélamine. It belonged to an ex roommate who probably isn't interested in getting it back. I don't know what I'll do with the hundreds of CD's hiding inside but the thing is GOING.
-A yellow 1 place sofa with wheels that I got from my grandma some time ago. Nobody, in the history of mankind, ever sat there.
Big news : Miss Bijoux is moving in ! She promised to repaint everything, throw away all the furniture she doesn't like, and make the place hers. I kinda like the idea ! Hope I don't get too fat tho... she's a wonderful cook ! My slim days may be over !
No, I am not interested in getting back the microwave stand. It helped in our crammy place so we could use the microwave in an other way than by bending down, but this thing is BIG. CD's ?! What happened to all the records that were in there ?! It was such a nice area for them......
And I sat once or twice in your grandma's chair. HA !
Good news about your new roommate, here's hoping to a bright and not-so-fat future.
You still movin' out this summer ?!
9:34 PM
Reportedly, he's not!
11:54 PM
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