How Bad Can Bad Be ?
There are some guys working in my basement. They've been there since Monday, loudly listening to CKOI, singing along to songs, and screaming their lungs out as if they were currint themselves into little pieces every goddamn time they please. They left cigarette fags in my building's lobby, and an empty, crushed can of beer. In other words, they're rude, loud & uneducated. So in the last few days I've been keeping away from my place to work on stuff. Can't concentrate when they're around.
I don't know what they're repairing exactly, but that involves cutting & ripping off everything there is to be found in the basement. So, of course, some guy has cut a gas conduct yesterday.
When I got in front of my place, after getting out of the bus, the three guys were standing on the doorstep. I was heading for a breakfast, a shower, and an entire day of homeworks. They told me I'd better not come in since there was a gas leak.
I still went ahead and called my landlord, who told me he was heading over. Then I put my laptop in its bag, and some firemen knocked on my door. They told me they were evacuating. So I got out and saw several firetrucks, and the boys were sealing the perimeter with their trademark yellow tape. I was so disgusted at the turn of events that I took the bus and left.

Not only do these guys stink up the place with cigarette smoke & their loud voices, making it impossible for me to work while they're there, but on top of that they force me out of my own place with their incompetence.
I still managed to regain my traditional good mood afterwards; I went for breakfast with Miss Bijoux, and we ended up walking in the sun, I got a haircut, we bought magazines and went to her place to watch SIX FEET UNDER EPISODES. We also finally rented her place to an old friend of mine, coming back to town after spending two years in Quebec City, and ate ice cream. What about that ?
There's a vomit-inducing publicity in the current issue of ICI. On page 15, a pregnant woman is seen holding her belly, and next to her we can read : "Cherche bungalow dans le (450)". is what it's about. It seems to be an online search engine to help you find your dream house in the fuckin' suburbs.
How sickening is it when some FUCK working in publicity decides to spread clichés so old they're practically DECOMPOSING ? Yeah, as soon as you get pregnant, you HAVE to move to the suburbs. That's right. Poor you who are staying in town. What kind of education will you give to your children in THE CITY, where everybody is a clone of the BIG BAD WOLF ?
Whoever are responsible for that would be well advised to GO FUCK THEMSELVES.
Thanks again Québécor, for making me puke...
Ah ah so its been rented by Mr Exiled-in-Québec... nice.
Ads, dude... seriously what the fuck are we coming to? I was reading Voir and I saw this ad for Foufounes Électriques and it offered COUPONS ! How fucking ridiculous is that? Am I blind? Am I going insane?
How long have they been doing that? I'm asking 'cause - as you know - I've been mentally supressing anything that had to do with Foufs for a long time.
Le ridicule tue-t-il ? Parts 2,3,4,5...
3:02 PM
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