A closer look at the pornography of existence

Friday, July 28, 2006

Drop the Pressure

Y'all know by now that Dubai is a pretty crazy place.

And this might be old news to some of you - it is for me, anyway - but the world's first ever UNDERWATER HOTEL is currently being built there. As we speak.

And this is no joke : it will be a chain. Other planned locations are London, Monaco, Munich, New York... Check out www.hydropolis.com for the lowdown.

This colossal, logic-defying project raises doubts, and raises eyebrows as well. Where will it stop ? After the map of the world recreated in the ocean with hundreds of private islands, simply called "The World", and a shitload of out-of-this-world ideas coming to life thanks to UAE's cavalcades of cold hard cash, I am prepared for any idea you'll throw my way.

But what about the water's pressure ? They must have some top notch ingeneers because the structure better be solid... And is the sea ground on which the foundations will rest solid enough ? Will the idea of spending a night underwater, when you're not a sailor confined in a submarine, appeal to the (rich) masses ?

There must be a limit, somehow, to the quantity of rich fellas walking the earth and being ready to pay for such experiences. Just like the condo boom, these things will inevitably slow down very soon. There are rich people, yes, but the majority of the world's population is poor, very poor.

And while the fact that such creations are made possible by the architectural promise land that Dubai has become, it is kind of obscene to see all the money thrown in such absurd projects when the rest of the world starves, or slowly dies from a lack of proper care and medecine. The workers of Burj Dubai rioting are right, and as much as I'd like to see this impressive structure be completed and stand tall, my biggest dream is to see this world healed of all its flaws, including the ever-increasing divide between the very rich - and the extremely poor.


Blogger Mongola Batteries said...

Merci pour cette information! Le site web est vraiment drole. Une belle histoire de science-fiction hotelliere!

2:45 PM


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